Busy Life As A Bunyard

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Hello Old Friends

I know I have seriously neglected this blog and for that I feel terrible. It has been a crazy time in our family and our schedules have only accelerated since the beginning of 2015. If you are reading this blog, I thank you for your interest in my sweet, but lively life. I apologize for my delay in postings and will catch you up on our happenings. 

First off, Charleston turned ONE in December and we celebrated his birthday with a Snowman Wonderland celebration at the Ladybugg Bakery in Hernando. It was quite a treat and were blessed to have such an awesome turnout of friends and family-despite it being smack dab in the middle of Christmas break and arguably the busiest month of the year. Check out a few pics.

Secondly, God is good all the time and blessed us with an opportunity for me to return to teaching. It is amazing how He always provides. I had a calling for something different and within weeks there was a knock at the door. Amazing!  So, with that said, I have been teaching third grade at Southaven Intermediate and I am loving it. Teaching is the hardest job, next to being a parent. 

Third, I have been enrolled at Mississippi State since the fall and hope to graduate by the end of the year with a Master’s in Community College Education. I may be up to my ears in student loans and debt, but I don’t lose sleep over it. I feel it is important to purse higher education and pass a love of learning on to
Charleston. Take that Fedloan! 

Lastly, my brief summary includes us finding a church home and pursing our faith and stories as Christians. We are so blessed to have been lead to Life Fellowship Church and welcomed with open arms. Ben and Lindsey Piper selflessly answered our, often silent, call for help by extending an invitation that has truly changed my life. I have found this church to be a place of sanctuary and healing. We even stepped out of our comfort zone and had Charleston dedicated during the December Baby Dedication. I felt so proud of my family and I want so much for Charleston to know, trust, and love Jesus. 

 Overall, Charleston has returned to a wonderful school and we are moving forward with our lives and enjoying the many blessings and lessons that 2015 has shown us so far. I look forward to this year of weddings, babies, class reunions, and, hopefully, BIG moves. 

With love, JB

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Oh, Margaret.

This Iron Lady and I share a birthday, which is pretty neat; even though she was born 61 years before I was, but that doesn't matter. I still like to think we share some similar talents. As of right now, I have no ambition of becoming a Prime Minister, but it sure sounds tempting to put some men in there place like she did. (That must feel really good to do.) What a powerhouse woman and a great role model to have. 

(If you have never seen the movie, The Iron Lady, I highly recommend you do.)

Monday, September 15, 2014

It's a Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown.

As if I don't have enough on my plate, I decided it would be fun to grow pumpkins; yes, pumpkins. Somewhere in my mind I wanted to make farming look good. (I know, I have issues.) So after a little begging and pleading, Cody said yes and a few months back we planted pumpkin seeds in our garden. Were hoping with a little nurturing and love, and lots of seven dust, our pumpkins will make their grand entrance in a few weeks. How fun! October is right around the corner, so these pumpkins better get busy!

Sunday, September 14, 2014


As most of you know, I have ventured off the beaten path and officially become a "stay at home mom." I feel so blessed to be given this opportunity, but I severely underestimated the work it takes to be a “full-time” mom. Seriously, how do these women do it?  
I quickly realized there are no quiet drives to and from work; there is no planning period, lunch breaks, and adult conversation with fellow teachers. This new job starts anywhere from 6 to 8 am and continues until Cody gets home. Oh by the way, I appreciate you now, more than ever.
 It is a tough job, but I love it.
Instead of receiving a monthly paycheck deposited into my account, I instead am payed with morning pajama parties, Micky Mouse Clubhouse TV shows, and warm smiles and giggles from a blond headed little boy.
 I love planning out my day’s adventures and knowing my buddy will be tagging along. I treasure the moments that I am present to watch Charleston’s talents unfold. I feel very blessed to have this time.

I would like to give a shout out to my husband for being gracious enough to give the go ahead on this new chapter. I know this is a short season of our lives and I thank him for being supportive. 

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Simple Thanks

I would like to take some time out today and thank you guys for reading this blog and keeping up with the simple things that happen in my life. It means so much to have your support. You are the reason I keep this blog going and I truly appreciate your friendship and unwavering support. The Bunyards are so blessed to know you. Truly. 

Friendship is the golden thread that ties the heart of all the world.
John Evely

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Soup for the Soul

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Bluum Box

Okay, friends. I know I am very behind on blogging and I promise I have a Starbucks receipt somewhere with a scribbled list of topics that I hope to sit down and write soon; however, I just had to quickly share this link to this awesome website that is so nifty. I love, love, love getting happy mail and I hope Charleston feels the same. I am anxiously awaiting his first box from Bluum. Check it out!