Farewell to the years of college. It seemed that I would be in college for an eternity, but luckily it only took four and a half years to receive an undergraduate degree; which basically means I can commit to something for a couple of years with out quitting, I digress. Oh yes, congratulations have been said and the degree is on the wall. Now I am faced with an even bigger challenge... NOW WHAT? I stand at an intersection with two distinctive directions. One direction leads to becoming a 9-5 working member of society and get a "real" job; which is the reason I went to college in the first place. And the the other sign points to continuing my education by attending Grad School.. So which one route do I take? Work or School? Money now or more money later? Free time or class time? I am sure you can see my dilemma. As I continue to be indecisive and way out the good with the bad, I reflect on a quote by Win Borden, If you wait to do everything until you're sure its right, you'll probably never do much of anything. (Well said)
Feel Free to chime in. Any advice is well appreciated.