First off, I take a hundred percent responsibility for being a Blog SLACKER! It has been entirely too long since I've thought about posting a blog. However, I have what I think are two pretty understandable and exhausting reasons for my absence: Fourth grade and Kindergarten. Whew! Just saying that makes me tired. For the past five months, I have played host to a fourth grade classroom and most recently, a crazy kindergarten class. No doubt it has been a blast, but I am ready for summer! Can I get a hallelujah?
With that said, I am in desperate need of a vacation, no, more specifically, a beach. Yes, that sounds great! Some Beach, Somewhere! Ya know, where there's a beautiful sunset burning up the atmosphere.. (Sound familiar?) Anyway, if this applies to you, feel free to sing along.
"Some Beach" by Blake Shelton
Driving down the interstate
Running thirty minutes late
Singing Margaritaville and minding my own
Some foreign car driver dude with the road rage attitude
Pulled up beside me talking on his cell phone
He started yelling at me like I did something wrong
He flipped me the bird an' then he was gone
Some beach
There's a big umbrella casting shade over a empty chair
Palm trees are growing and a warm breezes a blowing
I picture myself right there
On Some beach, somewhere
Amen Blake!