Hello All! Happy Saturday! Oh how Saturdays are my favorite. I love my sweet fourth graders, but a gal needs sometime for herself. And Saturdays are usually the ticket. Shopping, sewing, napping, and eating.. Sounds good to me!
Anyways, back to those fourth graders. Whew, how they have worn me out this week. Even with two fabulous snow days, it still seemed to be the longest, short week ever! Probably because I'm having a hard time transitioning into the New Year. Aghh.. If I had a dollar for every time I heard, "Mrs. B, you wrote 2010 on the board again." Yes, guilty as charged. However, in my defense, I've been writing 2010 on everything for the last 365 days... Give me a break..
Don't worry. I am making a conscience effort to write 2011. Speaking of 2011, Tuesday was 1/1/11. Wow! What a day to make a wish huh? If you are one of those unfortunate people who was told, probably as a child, that if you secretly made a wish when the clock read 11:11, then it would come true. Juvenile, I know. And again, guilty as charged. Hey, I wished for snow and it came!
Anyhoo, with the year being 2011, I would like to think it will be a prosperous one filled with many good things, And someone once told me if you want something to happen, you have to put out in the universe. ) So with any luck, here are some positives that I would like to see happen in 2011!
Graduate School. Geez Louise.. How hard is it to get into Grad School? It seems that they want everything but a blood sample! But no fear, I AM going to be a graduate student one day. I am just moving at a little slower pace than I expected. If you can hear me Ole Miss Counseling Program, I'm on my way.

2. New Car-Aghh, I get excited just thinking about it. I can already smell that "New Car" scent. Now I love my little PT Cruiser, Ruby, but I can't wait to my new set of four wheels. I'm thinking a 2011 Nissan Rogue would suffice.

3. Birthday Bash - Oh this is the year; the year of the Big 25. In just a few months, I will turn a quarter of a century old. Don't worry, I've already accepted it. So to help deal with the upcoming milestone, I have decided to throw a Big Birthday Bash! So in my tiny moments of spare time, I secretly plan the details of this grandiose event... Second job, here I come.