In the past few months, I have become aware, more than ever, of the true power of prayer. It seems that when life throws a wrench in your plans or the carpet under your feet gets pulled out suddenly, the only thing to do is seek guidance and love. And I'll tell ya, the small prayers throughout the day are what has been keeping me going. Through all the life lessons and hardships I have faced these past few months, it is a blessing to know that my moments of worship are keeping me strong, optimistic, and ultimately overcoming these adversities. I know that with a difficult job and full-time graduate program, these are going to be the days that I look back on with hilarity and laughter. What doesn't kill us only makes us stronger right?
Aside from prayer, I have also been reading a fantastic book that warms my heart and gives hope to those crazy ambitions of mine.
287 Secrets of Reinventing Your Life: Big and Small Ways to Embrace New Possibilities
Whether you want to switch careers, be your own boss, start doing good in the world, or simply get in better shape, you'll find the inspiration and practical guidance you need to choose a new path and give yourself a happier, more fulfilling future. I feel so empowered to make change in my for the better- and you know what, I think I just might do that.
God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot change;
courage to change the things I can;
and wisdom to know the difference.