Hello blogger world.. It is good to be back!! I sincerely apologize for my absence, but my life has been nothing short of insane since Christmas break- and I mean that with all honesty. I have good and bad news about the events that transpired in the Bunyard house the last two months, but don't worry, I'll spare you the ugly details.
Anyways, to save time and keep this post from being entirely too long, I'll try to sum it up at best.

The season of giving begin with Mrs. Shannon's annual Christmas Shindig- and boy did it pick up speed from there! Mrs. Shannon was my fourth grade teacher at Horn Lake Elementary School SEVERAL years ago and now that I am also a fourth grade teacher as well, I am now extended an invitation. How cool? I think this party has been going since before my time.. seriously.
For those who didn't know, I have a new set of shiny wheels in the drive way. Hooray! Sadly, It came at the price of the PT Cruiser breaking down on the side of the interstate about two hours outside of Tampa.. Yikes!
That was not fun. But two hours and a tow truck later, Cody and I made it catch the last few minutes of the Cowboys game that we had anxiously been looking forward to. But hey, it could have been worse, right?
So after a week of interesting events in Florida, I think it is safe to say that we were READY to head home, go car shopping, and spend the rest of Christmas in our cozy home. All is well that ends well.
The next big event to arrive was New Years and I would like to send a big Thank You to our dear friends in Nashville who graciously allowed us to stay with them. Rachel and Sonny, you are truly wonderful hosts!!! The four of us attended the Music City Bowl game where my sweet husband cheered on his Bulldogs to a victory! (Rachel and I trying to staying warm)

And with the New Year upon us, Cody and I decided to make a few cosmetic changes around our dear house. Out with the old and in with the new; but of course it must be done in moderation. Here is a few changes that have completed. Check out my handy husband. What can he not do?
I must say there is other BIG news in the Bunyard world, but I'll save that for another post.
A new set of curtains a rug make a world of good!
Wall behind the stove.. Plain
Some blood, sweat, and tears later..
We now have a wonderful backsplash! HGTV would be proud!