Good news! The baby furniture is on the way! Whew! What a sigh of relief. I knew this "nesting" stuff was bad, but It can be a tad overwhelming when you have an empty nursery. I would like to apologize to
Babytime in Memphis for being a little ugly at times. However, I'm sure I'm not the only pregnant lady to ever have anxiety about bringing their baby home to a room with no furniture. But lucky for them, that doesn't have to happen.
So with all that said, I can finally begin putting all the pieces together and preparing Boston's room for his arrival. Several of you have asked
what the "theme" to his nursery will be and I've received some interesting looks of confusion when I try to explain. Everybody say it at once, Velocipedes.
1. vehicle, usually having two or three wheels, that is propelled by the rider. early kind of bicycle or tricycle.
3.a light, three-wheeled, pedal-driven vehicle for railway inspection, used for carrying one person on a railroad track.
Here is a little Sneak Peek of Boston's Nursery.