Now these two were destined to be together for sure. Right down to their quirky meeting. It didn't take long for the sassy fourth grade teacher and muscle man gym teacher to notice each other. And after several months of dating, Clay knew he couldn't let Sarah get away. The rest is.. history!

Their ceremony was beautiful, complete with a huge wedding party, precious slide show, and song that would bring you tears. The reception was a complete blast and true to Sarah and Clay's personalities. Every nook was filled with fun trinkets and every table filled with a smiling guest. The DJ was rocking, which is always a must, and Sarah even serenaded her guests with some Bob Segar; which was totally cool! It was such a pleasure to see their hard work come together so perfectly.
At the end of the night, we wished Mr. and Mrs. Sartain off on a fabulous honeymoon and a fulfilling life together.
I wish you years of happiness and the joys that come along with marriage. Remember that you always have a companion and lifelong friend. And when you count your blessings, count your spouse twice. Congrats to you both!
"A happy marriage has in it all the pleasures of friendships, all the enjoyment of sense and reason - and indeed all the sweets of life. - Joseph Addison

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