I totally had the intention of writing this yesterday, however, Summer has not quite started for teachers yet. But I will go ahead and share it today. One of my favorite bloggers-Magnolias and Goobers features a What I Love Wednesday and I always enjoy reading it each week. So I decided to link with Mrs. Magnolia and share what I am loving this week.
I am loving that this is my last week of work for two months! Oh yes, tomorrow is my last day as "Mrs.B" until August. Summer time, here I come!!
I recently hosted a shower for my sweet friend, Chelsea, who is expecting a bundle of joy this July. (Blog coming soon) Chelsea's baby bump wasn't the only sweet thing at the shower. Check out the too cute cake from The Cake Lady Bakery. It was so darling that we didn't even want to cut it! I just love it!
Jasper James
And as always, I am loving my sweet puppy, Jasper. After a tiring day, it warms my heart to know that someone is happy to see me come home. (Aside from Cody of course).
Tomorrow is Friday!! Yippee!