Thursday, May 26, 2011
I totally had the intention of writing this yesterday, however, Summer has not quite started for teachers yet. But I will go ahead and share it today. One of my favorite bloggers-Magnolias and Goobers features a What I Love Wednesday and I always enjoy reading it each week. So I decided to link with Mrs. Magnolia and share what I am loving this week.
I am loving that this is my last week of work for two months! Oh yes, tomorrow is my last day as "Mrs.B" until August. Summer time, here I come!!
Cake Boss
I recently hosted a shower for my sweet friend, Chelsea, who is expecting a bundle of joy this July. (Blog coming soon) Chelsea's baby bump wasn't the only sweet thing at the shower. Check out the too cute cake from The Cake Lady Bakery. It was so darling that we didn't even want to cut it! I just love it!
Jasper James
And as always, I am loving my sweet puppy, Jasper. After a tiring day, it warms my heart to know that someone is happy to see me come home. (Aside from Cody of course).
Tomorrow is Friday!! Yippee!
Sunday, May 22, 2011
What's The Buzz?
Speaking of the month of May, I would say this has been one busy month. (As they all seem to be) I keep telling myself, " maybe next month will slow down a little", but I'm afraid the "idle days"have long since ended. So with that said, here is a recap of what has been going in our world.
Just and Update on Ashley
As many of you know, my sweet Sis and Brother in law are expecting a baby this summer. I don't think it has quite "hit"me that I am going to be an Aunt-Aunt Jess. But I'm sure it will at some point and I will be even more excited than I am now-if possible. Anyways, everything is going great and we are expecting the "stork" to deliver Baby Reed in July.
Stacy and Mitch get Hitched
Earlier in the month, we attended Cody's cousin Stacey's wedding. It was a sweet wedding in Sardis and I am very happy for them. Mitch and Stacey are such wonderful people and I am glad to see them as Mr. and Mrs.. I wonder who will be next? Hmm..
Play Ball
Last week we traveled downtown to watch the Miss State Bulldogs play baseball in Autozone Park. Even though I'm not really a sports fanatic, I must say it was a nice relief from the stresses of work. Plus I love spending time with my family any chance I get! Thanks to my sweet mother in law for putting the tickets in our Easter basket. And congrats to the Dawgs for a win over Memphis!
Junior Auxiliary
And finally, May marks the month of the choosing of the provisionals to join Junior Auxiliary of Desoto County, also known as JA. Oh and yours truly was nominated, by a dear friend I might add, to join. How exciting! If your not sure what JA is all about, it is an organization that services projects and events that focus on children in our community. I am so very excited to join a team of fantastic and talented ladies who want to do good for their community. Now I just have to find little thing called time. I need a self-help book on time management. Don't we all?!
Happy Memorial Day Weekend!
Can We Say Talented?
Seriously? Is there anything my husband can not do? Geez, he is a one man machine. I ask him to do something and before I know it, he has totally blown my idea/s out of the water. Don't you hate talented people like that?! (Just kidding.) With all honesty, I love my handyman husband and I think its pretty cool that he can restore benches and make shoe racks. Check it out!
This bench was looking rough, I mean really rough. Luckily, Cody worked his magic and now it is looking good.
Ask and you shall recieve..Well, sometimes. I have been dropping hints that I would like a rack in the garage to house all of the shoes that seem to gather by the door. (I'm not a big fan of wearing shoes in the house.) I guess Cody got the message because this is what he constructed. What is it they say? Happy Wife, Happy Life.. hehe
Friday, May 13, 2011
Lazy Magnolia
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Celebrating Mom
You know how they always say that you will eventually "turn into your mom", well, it is true. I am my mother through and through. I tried to fight it, but it happened. Nevertheless, I must say, I am proud to be the woman I am today. Sometimes "turning into your mother" isn't such a bad thing after all. (Sometimes.. ) : )
Happy Mother's Day!!
Saturday, May 7, 2011
Teacher Appreciation
Alas we have made it to May! Can I get a hallelujah?! Those of you who I speak to on a day to day basis can vouch for the extreme stress I have been under this past year. Three words-First Year Teacher.. It should send shivers down your spine.
I would like to think that everyone should experience being a first year teacher; almost like a life boot camp. I tell ya, it will kick your butt and yet somehow soften your heart. This job will give you a WHOLE NEW perspective on life.
So with the school year coming to an end, I would like to share a quick thanks to my wonderful husband who has endlessly listened to my stresses and complaints, but also shared in my joys and triumphs. Your a pretty cool guy.
This past week was Teacher Appreciation Week and I was given a Teacher's Survival Kit. I think I'll take this and use it in my daily life. Just let me know if you need any of these things, I will be glad to share.
Cup- When yours is flowing over
Candle-For when you're burning your candle at both ends
Eraser-To remind you that everyone makes mistakes
Rubberband- To remind you to be flexible
String-To tie things together when it's all falling apart
Marble-To replace the ones you've lost (and an extra cause you'll need it later)
Lifesaver-Because you are a lifesaver to many students
Starburst-To remind you that you are always a STAR
Sticker-To remind you that we always stick together
Mounds-For the MOUNDS of stuff you teach
Kisses-'Cause you make everything worthwhile!
Monday, May 2, 2011
Royally Wed
Okay, so I will admit it-Yes, I did wake up at the crack of dawn to watch the Royal Wedding coverage. And yes I did call Comcast to figure out how to "dvr" the rest of it. I know, shameful. But in my defense, Prince William is pretty cute and they are royalty. Plus the last major royal wedding was about five years before my birth.. (Charles and Diana in 1981) So I would say I was a William and Kate groupie.
(Poor Cody. He could care less and would probably be extremely happy if he never heard about royal wedding stuff again. )
Now what could make a royal wedding obsessed girl like me super happy? Being told I look like a princess! Let me explain. Here is a conversation between me and one of my very sweet fourth graders.
Student: Mrs. B
Me: Yes dear.
Student: You know who you look like?
Me: Oh lord.. Who?
Student: That really pretty Kate girl. Ya know, da princess.
Me: Oh goodness, that's a first.
So to add to the silliness, here is a comparison of us. : ) ( I don't see it, but hey, I'll take it! )