Alas we have made it to May! Can I get a hallelujah?! Those of you who I speak to on a day to day basis can vouch for the extreme stress I have been under this past year. Three words-First Year Teacher.. It should send shivers down your spine.
I would like to think that everyone should experience being a first year teacher; almost like a life boot camp. I tell ya, it will kick your butt and yet somehow soften your heart. This job will give you a WHOLE NEW perspective on life.
So with the school year coming to an end, I would like to share a quick thanks to my wonderful husband who has endlessly listened to my stresses and complaints, but also shared in my joys and triumphs. Your a pretty cool guy.
This past week was Teacher Appreciation Week and I was given a Teacher's Survival Kit. I think I'll take this and use it in my daily life. Just let me know if you need any of these things, I will be glad to share.
Cup- When yours is flowing over
Candle-For when you're burning your candle at both ends
Eraser-To remind you that everyone makes mistakes
Rubberband- To remind you to be flexible
String-To tie things together when it's all falling apart
Marble-To replace the ones you've lost (and an extra cause you'll need it later)
Lifesaver-Because you are a lifesaver to many students
Starburst-To remind you that you are always a STAR
Sticker-To remind you that we always stick together
Mounds-For the MOUNDS of stuff you teach
Kisses-'Cause you make everything worthwhile!
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