Thanks to my near and dear friend, Heather, who loaned me this book, I have been laughing and learning every night before bed. Steve Harvey's tales of how men think and behave has totally changed my world; well, not really, but you know what I mean. I've always wondered why men do...some things they do, and now I totally get it. Now I'll admit, I wasn't so sure of this Steve Harvey character at first, but I love him now.
I've been so tickled by this book that I think I've actually convinced Cody to read it. Or maybe he is just curious to know what I've been giggling at all this time. Who knows?!
So to all my dear friends, I would suggest this for a good read.- Then when your finished, would you mind calling me so we can discuss all the funny tidbits we didn't know about our husbands. Haha
I love this book! The is another book too! I have it, but I haven't had the time to read it yet.