Well it happened. The day that I have been fearing all year has come and gone. I. AM. NOW. TWENTY-FIVE. (Sigh) I must admit it wasn't as bad as I expected. There was only an hour or two of anxiety about the thought that in five years I will be 30. Yikes! ( I may need to leave the country on a tropical vacation for that one.)
But as a whole, it was a great day and even better week! I had a short work week-I mean really short, 2 days! Whoohoo! On top of that I spent the first two days of the week relaxing and lounging around. Wednesday night I was treated to, an always yummy, Sushi dinner. The Big Day was full of well wishes, gifts, and "welcome to the club"s. I feel very blessed to have a wonderful crew of friends and family who made time to ensure my day was special.

I even decided to stick it to the man this year and skipped the cake. I instead, thanks to my super sweet husband, dined on a dozen, delicious, chocolate covered strawberries. ( You should check out Say It with Strawberries)
Aside from all the wonderful gifts and yummy treats, I was blessed to have taken a mini vacation earlier in the week to kickoff the celebration of my milestone. After some quick packing Friday afternoon, Cody and I dropped Jasper off and headed South to Jackson to spend the night with our dear friend Mark. (Thank you Mark for being a gracious host and offering us a bed to sleep in. We enjoyed our stay.) We set off early Saturday morning with one destination in mind-New Orleans! Oh how I love that city!
So as the story goes, Cody and I spent the next three days and two nights dining on beignets, walking the river walk, perusing the French Market, and soaking up the sun and great weather. We'd hit that city early in the morning and wouldn't return to our hotel till late in the evening. There is just too much to do in only three days! Not to mention that LSU/Florida game was just up the road in Baton Rouge, so that place as buzzing all weekend!
In typical tourist style, The Bunyards rented a mini cruiser, hopped in, and jetted off to the Garden District to see what trouble we could get into. Check us out!
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