Busy Life As A Bunyard

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Not lucky, Blessed.

Hello all! Happy Belated Thanksgiving. I hope you enjoyed all the yummy dishes and gobbled until you wobbled.. haha. I know we did! Cody, Jasper, and I headed to my parents for a delicious Turkey and dressing lunch. (It is so very nice to have my three brothers and parents in one place.) And later in the day, we joined Cody's family for a very untraditional meal, tacos!! Oh yes, Thanksgiving Day Tacos and a competitive game of Scrabble was a success! I can only wish that your day was just as enjoyable.

I also hope you took some time to give thanks and ultimately count your blessings. After a tough day or bit of bad luck, I often remind my near and dear friends to stop and count their blessings. But one time in particular, I realized that I was guilty of being terribly hypocritical... Yeap, I was preaching what I didn't practice. SO..I have made it a point that every morning on the way to work, which is about a fifteen minute drive, I turn the radio down and count my blessings. From the big to the small, I count them all. With that said, I challenge you to stop and give thanks more than just once a year. Give thanks once a day.

Now this may seem absurd to some, but it really was an "eye opening" experience to me. I quickly realized how truly lucky I am. No, not lucky, but blessed. Happy Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Your birth is Something to Celebrate

Hello all! Happy November! This month brings much more to our household than just turkey; Oh yes, it also hosts a very special birthday. November 22 is Cody's twenty fourth birthday. Hooray!

I can't imagine my world without my sweet husband and I am thankful for every birthday we get to spend together. I think this is the...fifth time (give or take) that I have gotten to wish Cody happy birthday and I hope for many years to come. So in honor of the five birthdays we've spent together, I would like to list five reasons, don't worry, there not mushy, why he is awesome. (In no particular order )..

1. Ho, Ho, Ho

Cody is a great gift giver.. Seriously. I don't think he has ever giving me a present that I haven't just loved. He always seems to know the perfect thing to buy. Its a talent, really.

2. It's a no brainer.
He is smart, I mean super smart. I love hearing him talk about smart stuff.. It's hott!

3. Achooo!
Next to my mom, Cody is the best nurse. He always takes care of me when I'm sick. And somehow he manages to never catch my colds.

4. Can you pass me the hammer?
Oh how I just love a man and his tools! Cody never ceases to amaze me with his skills on fixing things. I can't think of anything that he hasn't managed to put back together.

5. Give my regards to the chef.
I love that Cody can cook. (Luckily, or we would starve) But since I'm some what of a picky eater, he always takes in account things I would enjoy. And not to mention, his dishes are always yummy.

Of course there are many more reasons I could list, but for times sake, I'll stick with five.

Happy Birthday to my husband. I hope its a good one!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Happy Birthday to a Holliday;

Heather Holliday that is. One of my most favorite people is having a birthday this week. Sadly the older she gets, the older I realize I am. However, it makes me smile to know that we have still remained friends throughout the years hardships. I am grateful to have her in my life.

Heather is a hoot. She is one of a kind. For anyone who knows her, well, you know what I mean. She is talented beyond words and brightens my gloomy days. Happy Birthday to my sassy, Maid of Honor. Many more to come missy! JB

I loved this day! These pictures remind me that we always have fun no matter where we are ; )

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Now let me clear my throat..

So It happened... Unfortunately, I have the first year teacher "itis". I get all the germs and sickness that my sweet kiddos bring to class. I've been using hand sanitizer likes its going out of style, yet it was still no match for the bad stuff floating around the air. So now I have the CRUD; yes, I said crud. Sunday evening was the call to my principal, which led to the Dr. visit Monday morning. (I should mention that I hate, hate, hate Dr.'s offices and they only make you sicker.. ) Anywho, I loaded up on the antibiotics, meds, and even got the "cure all" sinus cocktail shot. So nearly four days later and a still sore behind, I am sadly still fighting this junk. Boo! I really miss being able to breath out of both sides of my nose, and sleep comfortably, and have my hearing back!

Aghh.. We'll I'm feeling some relief already. I don't care if I have to step over cracks, or throw salt over my shoulder, I have to figure out a way to boost my immune system and stay well.. Any suggestions or home remedies?

Oh and when your feeling blue with stuffy nose and green goo, DJ Kool seems to make it better for a few minutes. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lBsZj1mhw8

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Toto, I have a feeling we're not in Kansas anymore.

So here it is, already November! Wow! It just seems that Cody and I were eating our top tier wedding cake and celebrating our anniversary. But sadly that was three months ago. And even more sad is that it takes me being sick and confined to a couch to update my blog. Oh well, better late than never.


If you didn't already know, I have taken on the challenge of teaching fourth grade.. Enough sad, right! Well, I can say that it has been the most challenging, overwhelming, and exhausting experience of my life. I eat, breathe, and dream fourth grade language arts. Luckily, I have great friends and coworkers who are in the same boat as me and I thank the lord for them everyday. Thank you teacher friends! I appreciate all your advice and support ♥


September was filled with the most anticipated event of the year, College football! Oh yes, being married to a hard core sports fanatic involves being preoccupied for three to four months out of the year. Dan Mullen and his Miss State Bulldogs hold a special place in our household. (Even though Ole Miss is my Alma Mater, I can't help but love Starkville and its Dawgs. ) So we spent our Saturdays wearing our Maroon and tailgating in the Junction. It's not a bad life enjoying good food, sweet treats, and great company. I love seeing my sweet husband and family ringing their cowbells and enjoying themselves. Go State!



October brought Birthday Wishes for me. Another year older, another year wiser. So now I am the Big 24. One year away from the even Bigger 25!! Anyways, I must not dwell on that right now. I hosted a Cake and Cocktails event at Bloom Salon for my birthday. It was fabulous and I thank everyone who joined me. Check it out in this months edition of Click!

Also my dear and most loving husband bought me tickets to the amazing musical, Wicked! I would just like to say that it was fantastic! I loved every second and I am still singing the songs! Popular is my favorite!


Of course, October hosts one of my favorite, spooktacular holidays, Halloween! Enough said. Check out Mrs. Bee and her Beekeeper : ) And our Sweet Jasper's Pumpkin

So there it is in a nutshell. Sorry for the lack of posts, but I promise to get better. November has many exciting events, so I will keep you posted. Enjoy the cool weather and yummy food to come! JB