Busy Life As A Bunyard

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Now let me clear my throat..

So It happened... Unfortunately, I have the first year teacher "itis". I get all the germs and sickness that my sweet kiddos bring to class. I've been using hand sanitizer likes its going out of style, yet it was still no match for the bad stuff floating around the air. So now I have the CRUD; yes, I said crud. Sunday evening was the call to my principal, which led to the Dr. visit Monday morning. (I should mention that I hate, hate, hate Dr.'s offices and they only make you sicker.. ) Anywho, I loaded up on the antibiotics, meds, and even got the "cure all" sinus cocktail shot. So nearly four days later and a still sore behind, I am sadly still fighting this junk. Boo! I really miss being able to breath out of both sides of my nose, and sleep comfortably, and have my hearing back!

Aghh.. We'll I'm feeling some relief already. I don't care if I have to step over cracks, or throw salt over my shoulder, I have to figure out a way to boost my immune system and stay well.. Any suggestions or home remedies?

Oh and when your feeling blue with stuffy nose and green goo, DJ Kool seems to make it better for a few minutes. Check it out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8lBsZj1mhw8

1 comment:

  1. apparently drinking OJ is supposed to help. I hope you get to feeling better soon. It's no fun having the crud.
