Busy Life As A Bunyard

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Wedding Bells

It's wedding time in the friends world again. It seems like only yesterday that our dear friends, Jaxon and Erica, became engaged. Now they will be married in just two short days. I wish them a life  full of health, wealth, and happiness.
Makes me reminisce about my own nuptials. What a wonderful day.. Definitely one for the record books. 
Jessica and Cody- August 8, 2009 ( Click to view on animoto)

Couch Hugger

Since the day I found out my oven was on and cooking away, I have been bombarded with exhaustion.  No make that pure exhaustion. I mean I could sleep for days. Who knew it took so much out of you to make a baby huh?! Geesh.
 So with my lack of energy, I have spent many hours lounging around on my favorite spot- the couch. Oh how I love coming home, propping my feet up, and watching some good ole reality TV. Since Bachelor Ben made his decision and wrapped up the season, it looks like American Idol is the next best thing. Aside from Steven Tyler's wacky comments, I'm loving the season so far. It makes me sick to see how incredibly talented some people are. Like this guy. Little does he know that he's actually singing a duet with me... from my living room. Ha!

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Oh Honesty

This screams Jessica Bunyard!
Embarrassing, but very true. Punctuality has never
been my strong point. Good thing I can use pregnancy as an excuse, at least for the next four months.

Twihard Fan

Or so I've heard those of us called. You know, the creepy, obsessive people in love with a pale vampire or hunky wolf. Either way, I'll take it.  Moving on. The little things seem to make me happy-like this 14 second preview of Breaking Dawn Part 2. Whoohoo! The word around is the full preview is on the trailer of Hunger Games. Oh man, I am excited!

Friday, March 16, 2012

Pink or Blue

I can't take it anymore! The suspense is driving me nuts! I must know who this little person is.
 I don't know  how people go nine months without knowing the sex of their baby, but frankly, I think their just nuts. ( No offense.)  Sigh. Oh well. Luckily for us, we only have to wait two more weeks to find out whether we can paint our nursery pink or blue. Oh yes, March 29 is the next baby doctor appt, and I can not wait for this date to arrive. We are scheduled to have an ultrasound that morning, and hopefully our Baby Bunyard will be gracious enough to be in a good position. Fingers crossed for a good peek, but most importantly, for a healthy baby.

Rock the Bump

This average, every day sign means soo much more now that I am sporting a bump of my own these days. I knew my baby bump would pop out eventually, and without fail, it did. Although I must say that I am grateful to finally look pregnant and NOT just chunky or "poochy"- as someone suggested! For the first six weeks, I wanted to wear a sign that said, " No, I do not eat Oreos every night. I am pregnant." Sadly, Cody and I wanted to keep our news to ourselves, so I learned to deal with the stares and looks of concern. Yikes! I sure am glad that the news is out and I can proudly show off my bump. 
No, I did not eat forty containers of yogurt at Gracie Bleu.. But don't tempt me!