Busy Life As A Bunyard

Friday, June 15, 2012

4D Ultrasound

Okay, okay. I know I may have delayed just a little in sharing these 4D pictures of our little man and I apologize. But at last, here he is! This was such a cool experience and I am so glad that Cody and I chose to invest in the 4D ultrasound.  I may be partial considering I'm the one carrying him in my belly, but I think he kinda looks like me. Haha.

Hey Mom and Dad!

No wonder I am constantly being kicked! Look at the size of those feet!

Five fingers, I counted.

Nursery Sneak Peek!

Good news! The baby furniture is on the way! Whew! What a sigh of relief. I knew this "nesting" stuff was bad, but It can be a tad overwhelming when you have an empty nursery. I would like to apologize to Babytime in Memphis for being a little ugly at times. However, I'm sure I'm not the only pregnant lady to ever have anxiety about  bringing their baby home to a room with no furniture. But lucky for them, that doesn't have to happen.

So with all that said, I can finally begin putting all the pieces together and preparing Boston's room for his arrival. Several of you have asked what the "theme" to his nursery will be and I've received some interesting looks of confusion when I try to explain. Everybody say it at once, Velocipedes.


1. vehicle, usually having two or three wheels, that is propelled by the rider.
2.an early kind of bicycle or tricycle.
3.a light, three-wheeled, pedal-driven vehicle for railway inspection, used for carrying one person on a railroad track.
Here is a little Sneak Peek of  Boston's Nursery. 

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Flash Mob

Once this baby makes his debut, I am going to get my behind back in the gym. I never realized how I took the DAC's group fitness classes for granted. I sure do miss working out. Maybe as a perk, I'll magically acquire some rhythm. If not, I could always ask my teacher friends for some of their moves!  Seriously, how cool are they?! 

HLIS Dance Revolution   

Monday, June 11, 2012

Baby Bash

Ten weeks left guys. TEN WEEKS! Hallelujah! I have never been one for patience and this whole forty week process is driving me nuts!And to think the child could take after his mother and be fashionably late..by a week! Aghh!  Someone recently helped put me in check by graciously reminding me how lucky I am, considering that elephants carry their babies for two years..Yikes! Thanks friend for helping me keep things in perspective.

 Good thing the next ten weeks will be filled with the fun activities associated with carrying a baby.Other than the maternity pictures and sprucing up Boston's nursery, Cody and I will soon be celebrating our bundle of joy at the Baby Bash! That's right folks, it's shower time. I am so looking forward to spending an afternoon catching up with friends ( yes guys, you are expected to come as well) and family while eating good food and sweet desserts! Here is a sneak peak of what to expect at Baby B's Bash. (Didn't get an invite? How dare I! Just send me a quick reminder and I'll send one your way. )

Shower for the Bunyards (Parents-to-bee)