Busy Life As A Bunyard

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Life's little pleasures

Just a small video I wanted to share. When I was in News Orleans earlier in the Summer, I took a trip to the Audubon Aquarium. Yes, I went solo. And yes, I am that annoying person who oohs and awes over how cute the animals are. I apologize in advance if we ever run into each at the zoo. Anyways, back to the story. While hanging out at the aquarium, I stumbled upon the stingray exhibit and decided to take a quick video to share with Cody when I returned home.

Little did I know I would make a "friend" who followed me around through the glass. I'd walk to the left, he'd swim to the left.. You get the picture. Now more than likely, this was all in my head. However, this little guy made me smile and watching the video, I think he even smiled back. It is nice to take a moment to relax and enjoy the small things.

Take a look.

Fyi-did you know they feed stingrays broccoli? Weird huh?

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Look Whooo's Turning Fifty

My near and dear mother just celebrated a major birthday milestone.. the big 50! Geesh, that seems to old. It still seems odd that my parents continue to age.. I guess at some point I just assumed that they would both stop aging! Unfortunately, that is not the case. Oh well. With age comes greatness... right?

In celebration of Mom, we hosted a dinner in her honor at Mesquite Chophouse in Southaven. (Fabulous restaurant, btw) The whole crew, plus a few guests, wined, dined, and enjoyed the company of friends and family. Plus, what would a big birthday be without a cake? Oh goodness, I can't even imagine. Good thing I ordered a very scrumptious cake WAY in advance. Check it out!

Happy Birthday to a wonderful Mother who continuously nurtures and loves us, regardless of our faults.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Summertime.. and the living's easy

Well, it was. Unfortunately the Summer is slowly fading away and the sounds of sweet fourth graders will return. Oh well-that's life I guess. Luckily, Summer turns into Fall, which is my favorite season of all.

Anyways, I'm getting ahead of myself-back to the present. I must say it has been a very relaxing Summer. Aside from a trip to New Orleans, which was fabulous, I have spent most of my days lounging about. Can't complain really. Two months of paid vacation is pretty nice; but also well deserved, if I do say so myself.

The only thing that is not well rested is my credit card. Oh yes, sadly I have spent my idle time shopping away.. Where you ask? Anywhere and Everywhere.. What I have bought? Boy, I couldn't even tell ya! I told you I'm a fan of local boutiques-and I wasn't lying. One of my favorite purchases, that I can remember, is my Waxing Poetic necklace-from Paisley Pineapple. Check it out. I've been sporting it around town.

Other than a trip or two and a major case of shoppingitis, I haven't been in too much trouble. I would say the Bunyard household has been pretty quite. Cody and I have been patiently awaiting the arrival of our niece or nephew-due any day now! I must say. the "patience" have long since run out! I am dying over here! When is that baby going to come? Geesh!

Here are a few pictures from the Baby Reed's showers. One event was a Stock the Library shower, thrown by her wonderful friends; Sarah Sartain, Gail Musick, and Kristen Gilbert. The other was a Pamper the Pregnant Lady themed shower, hosted by myself and my wonderful Mary Kay consultant, Kayla Essary.

These characters look familiar?

FYI- I made this sign for the front door. Turned out pretty cute!!

Don't worry, I'll annouce his/her arrival as soon I can, along with pictures of course!

Friday, July 15, 2011

A Little Craftiness Goes Along Way

For those of you who know me well, I can't keep my hands still ! I am constantly on the go and always have a craft up my sleeve.. And boy does this intensify over the summer with the LARGE amount of idle time.

So here are a few of the projects I've been working on. To keep from being cooped up in the house, I've been scoping out the local shops and boutiques. My oh my the wonderful things they house!! Unfortunately, I have to keep my pocketbook well hidden to keep from buying everything. But that's okay, I did the next best thing to purchasing-making!! So no, I can not take credit for the idea of these crafts-I simply borrowed and added my own touch.

I would also like to thank my hubby for his handyman saw skills. I try to stray away from sharp, electric tools. ; )

We made this sign for Cody's cousin, Kristi. She recently purchased her first home! Hooray!

Once I saw how fabulous the K sign turned out, I just had to make one for my own home. It looks great!

I saw this in a magazine and thought I would give it a shot. After a little elbow grease, it turned out looking perfect in our living room.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

How Does Your Garden Grow?

Have I mentioned the talent that oozes from my husbands fingertips... Geesh! He seizes to amaze me with all the things he CAN do. One title to add to his list is Gardener. Look at these yummy veggies that came from Cody's garden. Holy cow!

I can't even keep a house plant alive and Cody can plant seeds and turn them into nourishing food. Makes me ill!!!

Oh well, I can only hope our children will share his talents.

Cucumber anybody?

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Nook Book

Have I mentioned I LOVE my Nook Book?!! If you don't have one, you should most definitely consider it. You'll never have to go the book store again.

Unfortunately, the summer is coming to an end and I have to wrap up my summer reading. I have just finished the Oh So Southern book, The Help. Never heard of it? Oh goodness, I highly recommend that you sit down and read it-along with a glass of sweet tea of course.

The Help Trailer -Watch this.

Without giving too much away about the book, I wanted to share some notes from the author that really warmed my heart. She totally hit the nail on the head! Kathryn Stockett - Author of The Help

"The rash of negative accounts about Mississippi, in the movies, in the papers, on television, have made us natives a wary, defensive bunch. We are full of pride and shame, but mostly pride..... Once, at a roof party, a drunk man from a rich white Metro North-train type of town asked me where I was from and I told him Mississippi. He sneered and said, "I am so sorry."

"I nailed down his foot with the stiletto portion of my shoe and his foot with the stiletto portion of my shoe and spent the next ten minutes quietly educating him on the where-from-about of William Faulkner, Eudora Welty, Tennessee Williams, Elvis Presley, B.B. King, Oprah Winfrey, Jim Henson, Faith Hill, Jams Earl Jones, and Craig Claiborne, the food editor and critic for The New York Times. I informed him that Mississippi hosted the first lung transplant and the first heart transplant and that the basis of the United States legal system was developed at the University of Mississippi."

"Mississippi is like my mother. I am allowed to complain about her all I want, but God help the person who raises an ill word about her around me, unless she is their mother too. "


Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Mud Monkeying Around

Well sort of.. Recently, Cody and I visited Mud Monkey Pottery in Olive Branch for a date night. Like most newlywed couples, I try to make a point to "get-out" and spend some quality time with each other while doing something we both would enjoy.. This can be quite the challenge sometimes. Anyways, with a friend's Engagement Party coming up, I knew this would be a perfect opportunity to "kill two birds with one stone".

If your not sure what Mud Monkey is all about, here is a quick rundown. Once you have arrived at the studio, you pick a piece of pottery from the WIDE assortment of pieces. Pick a table that is already set up with everything you need-paint brushes, water, napkins. etc. Then you pick the paint of your choice and let your imagination soar. Once your done, you hand over your precious pottery to be fired in the kiln. A few days later, you pick up your artwork! Pretty cool huh?

Since the bride and groom to be are both graduates from MSU, Cody and I knew exactly what to paint them. I hope Jaxon and Erica enjoy their personalized plate from The Bunyards.