Busy Life As A Bunyard

Thursday, January 7, 2010

And then you get a dog..

Hello all. I hope you are enjoying the short lived snow that we recently received and maybe some relaxing time off. I am personally am enjoying the snow days and cancellation of school, snow days are fun even when your old ; ) Not only do I have some free time to clean my house, especially when my messy husband is at work, but I also get to hang out with our sweet addition to our family. Jasper James Bunyard is our very much adored maltipoo puppy. (Some of you may have heard of him.) For those of you who haven't, I should probably mention that I have NEVER EVER had a dog in my life. Yes, it is sad but true, my childhood consisted of zero pet dogs. So I am just now experiencing what it is to have a four legged friend following me around the house and to snuggle up with on cold weather nights. Not long after we got him, and I mean maybe a day or even an hour, Jasper stole my heart. I will never be the same. So to get to my point, I have always heard the cliche, that you get married, buy a house, and then get a dog; which I often disagreed with and had other plans in mind. But I must say, I am happily guilty as charged.

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