Busy Life As A Bunyard

Sunday, December 19, 2010

I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas

Hello! Happy Christmas Vacation to you! (Hopefully you get a few days off)

Well, it is here! One week to go till we gather around our tree and open our perfectly wrapped gifts. I hope all of you are near the end of shopping and wracking your brain to the think of the perfect gift. Hopefully your family and significant others made your shopping a little easier and gave you a list.. Unlike Cody, who thinks he can telepathically send me his list. Um, no! But me on the other hand, I have a much better strategy. Oh yes!

I'm a girl who knows what she wants. So I start jotting things down in November. Honest. I will even tell you what store to go to and a ball park range of cash to take.

So those of you who favor Cody's non list making ways, help out your gift givers and write a few things down. And if you hesitate to ask for something because you think it might be too grand or expensive, just listen to this song. It is sure to make you feel better. Ha! Hippopotamus

Here a few things that are on my Wish List.

1. Pair of Ugg Boots.
A nice pair that I can put on and go!

2. Under the counter CD Player
We have one now, but sadly its broken. I love to listen to music on those few occasions that I cook...No seriously, we spend a lot of time in the kitchen and I love having access to music.

3. Wicked Soundtrack
You guys probably know about my small obsession with the musical. Well now I can rock out to the all the great songs everyday.

4. Sewing Scissors and Bag from Thirty-One
First, I love to sew. Second, if you haven't checked out Thirty-One's stock of goodies. You should!

With all this silliness said, I hope you stop to remember the real reason for the season; celebrating the birth of our Savior. Merry CHRIST mas! JB

"If there is no joyous way to give a festive gift, give love away." Author Unknown


  1. miss you already, my friend and neighbor at school. I pray that you and yours have a wonderful holiday and that you get lots of REST...we all need it! Love you much!

  2. Same to you dear friend. I hope Santa treats Lilly Whitten well. Merry Christmas to the Atwoods!
